This Book is for YOU
“Vagabondess” is for everyone: the travelers (current and future), the feminists, the adventurers, the seekers and the curious. It is the guide I never had, and the advice I probably wouldn’t have heeded anyway. In these pages, I offer the insights I gleaned from moving through the world as a vagabondess. It is my intention to provide the encouragement we all crave to pursue our dreams, as well as some practical suggestions for getting there.
Now Available
After a successful Kickstarter campaign (THANK YOU, BACKERS!), Vagabondess is published and available to purchase on Amazon and Gumroad. Get your copy today! Vagabondess is currently available on Amazon (print and digital) and Gumroad (digital for Kindle, other e-readers, or PDF). It will soon be available as an e-book on Apple Books, Barnes & Nobles, and several other platforms as well. Have your pick!
Free Download!
Click here for a free download of the introduction and first chapter of “Vagabondess,” your guide to traveling solo, overcoming your fears, and embodying your inner vagabondess:

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Interested in ordering my book wholesale, scheduling an interview, or otherwise getting involved in this project? Please reach out!